Do you know what an oarfish is? a prehistoric fish that still alive but found dead in California Coast you Got to see

This fish indeed isn’t like any other fish you’ve seen before, or anything you have ever seen before for that matter. It’s long shiny fish, a monster of sort if you ask me, if I were to see this fish swimming toward me I would definitely run away and probably pee in my pants, ok so maybe too much exagerration but it’s true look at it. So maybe deep beneath the surface of the pacific ocean you may find many other creatures. Remember the movie Pacific Rim? well it’s not old movie just recently, an awesome movie, Alien beneath the ocean surface, supper size Alien live beneath the Ocean sea bed undetected because it was below flowing volcano lava, which make a lot of sense that’s why were not able to discover it. So based on that facts how many others areas has been blocked from obstacles that would prevent us seeing through? take the universe for instant 🙂 anyhow a different story.

you wouldn't think a fish look like this exist do you? well look at the video below oarfish largest longest fish ever found

you wouldn’t think a fish look like this exist do you? well look at the video below oarfish largest longest fish ever found