Do you know that Bitcoin hit $200 (USD) yesterday?

Just in case you missed, which I doubt 🙂 Bitcoin BTC hit $200 per unit, and I thought it’s going to go down since the trend indicate it went up then down and down and then up … and so on. However no surprise I guess it surged to over $200 (USD) over the past couple of days, will it crash? will it up higher? who knows, anything can happen!

All I know is that I’ve been investing in resources, time, effort, electricity, money, and so on  to build a few rigs at home to mine these Bitcoin. Some might say spending $5000 on actual BTC is better than going out mining BTC. Well? yes and no.  No – because what’s the fun doing that? I want to have cash flow income a steam line of system that generate money frequently not getting stuck and who knows will ever going to sell. Yes – because if you’re a non-computer geek then don’t waste time on buying or have someone mining bitcoin for you, it doesn’t work that way or it will not work well 🙂 so stay away if you’re not a computer geek.

BTC Bitcoin are you rich yet?

BTC Bitcoin are you rich yet?