Slush pool remain the best pool to join and mine Bitcoin

Although it has it’s up and down time, but it still among many people’s favorite. My personal favorite also having tried a couple other pools and read discussions about other pools, Slush remain the best of this day June 2013. Things may change I suppose, because ASIC are and have been shipping for a while, back log projected to be cleared in September then it’s all straight inventory order to ship immediately.

The reason I said Slush pool is the best because I’ve been using it and I don’t see much pay different, slightly different maybe, despite the fact that Bitcoin BTC difficulty rise to 21 million from 12 million the time I joined, and even the BTC price dropped from 250 to 100 I still see myself making a bit profit getting paid slightly different, maybe because I added about 4GH/s of USB Eruptor which maintain or susptain the same BTC I’ve been making.

Anyhow, I too, have to power off GPU mining soon, as it no longer profitable because the drop in BTC value and the increase of Terahash added to the network from ASIC miners, on top of that difficulty level rise dramatically from previous 19mil to 22mil. Hope I can resume in September where my asic 30gh/s will arrive and so does many other people will get it and off course difficulty level will rise again to probably 50 to 100million by then, I would be making the same amount of money I’m making today, then I would need to pre-order more ASIC hardware every so often to keep up with other miners, by then USB Eruptor become obsoleted, GPU card will only be use for Video game possible mine Litecoin, and the FPGAs board developers will code to mine Litecoin 🙂