No more unemployment benefit for extended unemployment folks in the US

US unemployment check ending for extended filers folks please get your butt to work doing anything you're using my money and I work at mcdonald

US unemployment check ending for extended filers folks please get your butt to work doing anything you're using my money and I work at mcdonald

That’s right it’s official, US government are ending the extended unemployment benefit check. It’s probably tough for most American to hear this news, but for others I think it will make them work harder in term of going out and find jobs. I know some people took advantage of the extended unemployment benefit to stay home doing some work around the house, doing side business getting paid in cash, or have more babies which I don’t think is a good idea, it’s a burden in some cases. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, let me add to it, the dumb getting dummer and the smart getting smarter 🙂 sorry if I offend some people saying that, but I think people should either work hard or work smart, don’t be a burden to society, I’m sure no one will like it.