Ten of thousands people and homes evacuated in several Western states in the US due to wild fire

over ten thousands people evacuated in colorado alone due to wild fire that has been spreading over several states

over ten thousands people evacuated in colorado alone due to wild fire that has been spreading over several states

It’s amazing, or should I say devastating what a small fire can turn into. Just a small spark of fire can turn into a nightmare across several states, that’s a fact over the past few days. All it take is a spark, that’s the concept of how life started. It all started with a big bang somewhere in the universe where two small piece of sand collide with each other and boooom over time the universe being created and expanding and still expanding, and that same concept still occurring today for everything and everyone. All it take is for you to create a small rumor and pass it along and before you know it, it went viral. All it take is 1 penny to make a million dollars, and so on, you get the point, with the right time and at the right place and with right source, booom! it can be done. OK, anyhow, it’s summer season, so yes, dry weather without humidity and dry grass tress can expand the fire rapidly, luckily I live in the East Coast, where summer time indeed hot, but humid, not dry as is in Western state such as California Colorado and so on. With the humidity it’s pretty hard for fire to expand, the only fire we got around here is arson mostly. How to protect your self and your home from fire?, well you use smoke detector but that only protect you from the inside, but not the outside. These wild fire are from outside, how do you protect your home? well you can spray water keep your home roof and wall wet to prevent fire, if you can stand the heat lol 🙂 ensure to clear everything that can spark into fire or catch in fire and wet yourself with water while preventing fire from moving toward your home, it worth if you think it can be done, but not worth your life. Even fire fighter died from battling flame, even aircraft fire fighting crashed and killed.



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