Have you ever got a USPS return mail that say “insufficient address unable to forward”

Have you ever got a USPS return mail that say “insufficient address unable to forward”, well I do, actually my wife did, she mailed a payment letter, and a couple days later it got returned with a yellow sticker size of the address label said  “insufficient address unable to forward” and you checked the address and it’s correct, you double check and check and it’s correct? yeah! me too LOL, and you start blaming USPS? LOL yeah me too, but guess what? USPS is right, the address is insufficient, it’s missing a suite# building # or something, so basically the address you sending to even with the business name but without suite# or building# or something, sometime if not all the time it will be returned. So how do I know this? use this free tools online provided by USPS to check the address. https://tools.usps.com/go/ZipLookupAction!input.action

So with that tools provided by USPS, it will tell you if the address you enter is correct, if it has multiple businesses, if it has multiple suite # po# and so on, it will tell you, then that’s my friend! how you would determine you have the most accurate address or not!so don’t start pointing finger, do some research! 🙂 peace! Oh by the way, if usps shows multiple address, give your recipient a call to confirm the suite# or some kind of #, not just a business name, it could be Floor1, floor2, apt#1 and so on, you get the point.

useful usps tools to check for ship to address accuracy

useful usps tools to check for ship to address accuracy