HaHa! I blog to make money online, like this blog, what are you doing in facebook showing off your body, letting the whole world know what you’re doing in facebook and twitter, letting the criminal know when you’re home and not, letting the hackers know some little personal information for them to hack your identity more easily! People still don’t get it, I still see many people spent numerous hours on facebook micro posting and replying and off course the famous like!
Come on now, I’m sure making a couple or more dollars a month is better than making nothing at all, that’s how I look at it with the amount of time people spent online to to facbeook twitter tumblr and so on, where they totally make no money at all, and some even don’t even realize that they’re making money for those social media network websites and don’t even get a penny from them, that’s not fair isn’t it? well it’s not and you’re still doing it. Why not start a website, a free website from blogger and so so on to blog and you can still integrate with facebook at the same time, but you make money instead!