IPUServices.com BETA 1.1 have earning $ value populated

Despite the facts of mis-communication or misleading updates. The Beta 1.1 version screen shot appears to have earning dollars value calculated. Apparently this proof that the owner lied (TheBoss). The proof for this was clearly indicated here, back in the beginning of October he said the the software is correctly and they’re on ontime schedule for GoLive, and he said it confidently! guess what? as you know it never happened and they never had the software developed as clearly indicated now, the software was created after September 15th 2013 after getting money from people and spend it. It’s transparent now that they’re still working on the software and updates users with misleading details. If users email and ask and complaint, their account will get banned or flagged. The permanent ban came in when users request money back or dispute will get their account totally removed and all earning gone so does the downline, so this is the game they play making it harder for people to decide whether to dispute and get money back or not. A lot of people speaks about this and their account got banned or their post gotten deleted in forums. As more and more people speaks about this in the forums and as result the forums taken offline.

So what’s the latest updates? what do people think will happen? Well it’s half and half. So people know that IPUServices.com lied, did not commit to date, did not update all the details of the website such as financial information. But – the good news is the software now is being developed as we can see updates once every so often like 2 weeks, with this rate if everything is legit, the estimate of fully working software would be ready in November 2013 competing with the new similar concept site coinbeez.com

ipuservices scam

ipuservices scam