What’s faster than the speed of light?

Short answer: Warp Drive. Sounds like a computer terminology doesn’t it? well! The speed of light appear to be the fastest that we can measure, how about twice the speed of light? imagine a person holding a flash light from point A and another person from point, both switch on at the same time pointing to each other, isn’t that twice the speed of light?

warp drive faster than the speed of light

warp drive faster than the speed of light

Well! fold space, or bringing the object to us would be faster than us going there, however this would required a tremendous amount of power, we’re talking about the energy of the whole planet earth. Anyhow, I thought I wanted to share, faster than the speed of light is warp drive, it’s a hypothetical thing, but it’s possible, but the amount of energy needed is no where to be found at this time, maybe we really need to go out there and mine asteroids, also energy in this is negative energy! 🙂

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