Why isn’t blogging consider as a computer job?

I came across a facebook post in regard to “Best computers jobs for the future”, now if we look at it on the site, it has all kind of IT jobs computer related jobs. So why isn’t blogging consider as part of the computer jobs?

To me, successful blogger make six figure income or as much as a person working for a company. Blogging doesn’t make money overnight in most case, but with hard work and dedication which is similar to going to school and learn new technique and knowledge to get you into better jobs, why not blogging?

Blogging within a few years such as 4 years for a Bachelor degree and Master 6 years, so we start blogging today, 4 to 6 years later, I’m very sure the time spending in school vs. the time blogging you will make as much or more money than a 6 years graduated by blogggin. Blogging is also a job that you can work from anywhere in world with or without internet, if you don’t have internet you can blog save as text or doc, when internet available upload and save or publish or schedule certain time to go live with your post.

Chances are someone will come across your blog, found it interesting and forward it to their friends, and off course the search engine will also be interested with your blog and they will crawl your blog daily or as frequent whenever you post. So that when people search for certain things, it will bring them to your blog if you have information what they’re looking for.

Another person’s opinion:


Such jobs do exist but they are under some “unknown” category. Blogging or facebooking is not computer job. I see it fit better in social network or communication. If you can offer your talent and skills are unique enough to serve high volume of demand, your salary will be compensated. And that apply to all types of skills, not just skills in the computer world specifically. Such common sense has become a business strategy and that works well for lifehacker and facebook, largely due to the increasing of number of people have access to the Internet finding resources to replenish their knowledge and nullify their boredom.

blogger blogging should consider blogging as a computer job a real job that make as much money as people working for a company or corporation similar to getting a 6 years degree six year blog can earn as much and more plus work remotely anywhere from the world.

blogger blogging should consider blogging as a computer job a real job that make as much money as people working for a company or corporation similar to getting a 6 years degree six year blog can earn as much and more plus work remotely anywhere from the world.