Mining Litecoin using CPU better than GPU? not!

At first I got excited because I saw documentation indicated mining Litecoin with CPU yield better result than using GPU, then I got mixed report. Look like mining Litecoin using CPU will work but still will not work as good as a GPU.

So if I take a look at the benchmark done by a few folks, an i7 CPU mine at 60 KH/s that really sucks! and the cpu cost $300, now spending an extra $50 to $100 making it $400 to get a Radeon HD 7970 video card using it’s awesome GPU power, it can mine 600 to 700 or more KH/s, what the hell? yes.

So mining for Bitcoin and Litecoin same rig needed, although ASIC coming out with system that can mine Bitcoin faster but nothing about Litecoin. So I guess Litecoin will not be popular and probably died? stay tuned.

Hmm I wonder if I can configure it to mine LTC on my CPU power and mine BTC on GPU power, two separate entities 🙂


too many Litecoin LTC and Bitcoin BTC miner now what?

too many Litecoin LTC and Bitcoin BTC miner now what?