What’s the latest at Coingeneration.com Digital Generation?

Beside the 24 hours news update which should have 24 hours now but let’s give them a little bit more time, not all estimate are deemed accurate. The payza incident shouldn’t tied to paxum and ego pay, but still a lot most if not all people didn’t get paid through other processing services, maybe because their account was once tied payza or simply because Coingeneration.com Digital Generation have no intention to pay anyone making more than $5 or veteran members or no money to pay. Lots of questions has still in the dark.

A lot of questions, good one such as, if coingeneration DG is paying other members why they don’t pay the rest? is it because they paid for new members trial threads tricking them on buying threads? why people have links tied to payza still don’t get paid? why website is always under maintenance when asked in the chat room Admins responded?

If by the end of this week, and still no improvements in payments from DG coingeneration then many people faith for the whole 30 days or so probably would be sliding and the community probably will work together especially big investors seek in getting at least their investment back, if the processors such as payza dispute don’t work, I believe the community will work together and get a lawsuit going off course getting FBI involved since it’s international and interpol will get involve since if this is way beyond millions of dollars proven by the users that they together had invested, but again, let’s hope this will not be the case. Many people still have faith, hope and pray that they will get paid soon, since it’s been almost or more than a month no payments from DG coingeneration Digital Generation. Maybe this is how oversea people perform ponzi scam, milk as much as possible, kill time as long as possible, whatever it will be will be, if the owner takes the money and go live somewhere in the country side with new identity probably no one would know.