DFS remain positive no major negatives feedback so far

With the failure of being a scam since April 2013 struggling to get members faith back but unsuccessful. could have survive and remain strong and powerful, but due loosing momentum at gaining members trust decreased dramatically and eventually today not too many people trust the name anymore due to their ponzi scheme scam business being exposed and proof all over the web, without hundreds thousand members reported not being paid, in some cases being tricked, trapped, lure in investing money and continuing the cycle of scamming.

for DFS, also known as, has been online longer that coingeneration from day 1 to scam. DFS has been getting positive feedback from all over the web. Maybe people should bookmark this facebook page to get updates. However let me remind you that facebook page even if you don’t see negative feedback, it doesn’t mean that the business is good. It could be all negative feedback has been deleted by the operator or owner of the fan page. On the other hand, positive feedback appears in facebook fan page of the site business also could be from fake members giving feedback, getting paid to do so, very easy to do with a little bit of money you can have your facebook fan page flooded with thousands of likes and daily updates comments from bots and third world countries copy and paste what need to be posted. It’s a nasty world out there. So be careful!