IPUServices.com was the one that say they clearly know what the other online scam are doing, and this pertain to coingeneration.com Once again IPUServices.com at the beginning saying that they clearly know what coingeneration.com are doing, and IPUServices.com have no intention of replicating the same scam. Indeed! the scam from IPUServices.com are much better. A truly legitimate SCAM. Sadly by now, people realizing IPUServices.com is scam has loss hundreds of thousand dollars to IPUServices.com and nothing people can do about it. Forget about dispute or complaint.
Coingeneration.com as of today did not make any comment about the merge IPUServices.com claimed that they did merged with coingeneration.com and on IPUServices.com website, the contents has been changed to indicate the merge with coingeneration.com contents. Again, on coingeneration.com website, there isn’t any public announcement on the website indicate the merger. Either way they are both scammers. Up to today still a lot of people having faith and belief in these two scammers operations and still keep sending them free money. The money disappeared, not really, IPUServices.com coingeneration.com coinbeez.com pcearner.com all got your money and they’re partying with hookers drinking dust til dawn. While letting the program run automatically and only updates fake news motivated scam news when they need to get more free money. The cycle continue, either they will continue to make up new stories, or have new strategies to scam, or simply create new websites using stolen identities. The stolen identities will be use not only for website domain registration web hosting, but it will include payment processors, but most of the payment processors tied to these HYIP has been shut down by US officials, however other countries still available and sadly again the cycle continue.
After much due diligence, we have found that any shortcomings that we hace were fille by our competitor, and vice-verse. The idea beban to gain steam as we found ourselves short of liquid fund, while IPUS was flush with cash. We believe that the synergy brought on by this merger will bring us far into the 23rd century. We apologize in advance to any of those that are not happy with this merger. It was simply felt to be the best way to handle what was turning into a bad situation. We would like to thank all of those that have been with us from the beginning – it is our sincere hope to regain your trust in this venture.